Shenanigans’ Federation Special (CD/Booklet)


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The Federation Special is a step by step introduction to partner or contra dancing. Released in the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the Australian nation, the dances reflect many of the styles whose influence can be seen in Australian ‘Bush Dancing’. These include American, Western European, English, Irish, and Scottish. Because of their common heritage, partner dances around the world share many of the same dance moves or ‘figures’. In this collection only eight figures variously combine to make many different dances. CD/Booklet include:

Les Saluts (Canadian)

Littles to the Centre (American)

Feder Mikkel (Danish)

Feder Mikkel (with calls)

The Noble Duke of York (Long set version) (New English)

The Noble Duke of York (Eight couple set version)

Progressive Sicilian (English/American)

Progressive Sicilian (calls)

Lancaster Barn Dance Mixer (American)

Lancaster Barn Dance Mixer (calls)

Haymakers Jig (English / Australian)

Haymakers Jig (with calls)

Strip the Willow (Scottish)

Virginia Reel (American/ Australian)

Virginia Reel (with calls)


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