Snowflakes Lesson Extension

Create a “snowflake dance”

  • Begin class with a “piano story” that explores the motions of floating, twirling, and whirling.  Be sure to improvise in a compound meter.
  • Show images of different patterned snowflakes making mention that no two are the same!
  • Split the class into groups of 3 to 5 students, suggesting that each represents a snowflake.
  • Introduce the concept of locomote and non-locomote.  Corresponding to the form of the song, AABA ask students to create two different shapes they like.
  • Students choose which phrase, locomotes or non-locomotes, according to the AABA form.
  • Suggest dancers consider different high, medium, and low levels for their snowflake movement.
  • Snowflake dances are performed one group at a time with each improvisation. (see below)



  • Brainstorm a list of words having to do with playing in the snow.

For example:
snowball fights
ice skating
making a snowman
snow angles

  • Students choose 3-4 words to create a chain that will fit into 2 measures of 6/8 time.  Encourage the word chain to be repeated 4 times.  For example:
  • Students practice their snow-play rhythms on B.P.
  • Discuss the choices the group has with presenting:  all in unison?  Or separate measures or beats?
  • Transfer to un-pitched percussion, being thoughtful of instrument choices (maybe finger cymbals, triangles, claves, etc.)


Melodic Improvisation

  • Using rhythm from their created word chain, repeated 4x, students create improvised melodies.
  • Tell students their melody must start on F (the song’s key), end on F, and play F a lot.
  • Encourage step-wise motion with small skips followed by a step.

“Road Map”

  • Create a final form or “road map” of all the components you’ve used from the above choices.

* Possible 2nd verse:

Snowflakes twirling, soft and light,
Dancing gently through the night.
Each one sparkles, no two the same,
Winter whispers call their name.”