
Seeds of World Discovery

Original price was: $6.95.Current price is: $2.95.

10 in stock


Introducing Alto Recorder to Recorder and Orff Ensembles Through World Music

by Robert Amchin.

Difficulty Level 3.

Pieces are arranged for accomplished soprano recorder players and singers grouped with beginning alto recorder players. Each arrangement offers simple alto recorder parts to be played with vocal, recorder and Orff ensembles.


Ah! Si Mon Moine Voulait Danser (Canadian)

Brown Girl in the Ring (Jamaican)

Everybody Loves Saturday Night (Nigerian)

Kumbaya (African)

Parangsai/Bluebird (Korean)

San Sereni (Puerto Rican)

Sarasponda (Dutch)

Sur Le Pont D’Avignon (French)

Tombodachi-san/Friendship Song (Japanese)

Zum Gali Gali (Israeli)


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