Musica Activa



by Jos Wuytack. Edited by Judy Sills.

This is an adaption of ìMusica Viva 2 ï Expression rhythmiqueî (first published in French) and focuses on the element of rhythm within the pedagogical framework of the Active Method, based on the principles of Carl Orff. Preface: ABCs of the Orff Pedagogy ï Notes for Teachers: Rhythm ï The Ontogenesis of Rhythm ï Verbal Expression: Establishing Rhythm ï Elaborating the Rhythm ï Poetry as Rhythm ï Speech Choir ï Rhythmic Imitation: Single-level Imitation ï Four-level Imitation ï Rhythmic Canon: The Mini-Canon ï The Traditional Rhythmic Canon ï Question and Answer Technique: Verbal Expression ï Body Percussion ï Non-Pitched Percussion ï Pitched Percussion ï Rhythmic Rondo: Verbal Expression ï Body Percussion ï Non-Pitched Percussion ï Pitched Percussion ï Vocal Expression- Ostinato: Layering ï Accompaniment to Text ï Accomppaniment to Songs ï Rhythmic Reading Games: Active Rhythmic Reading ï Reading Music ï Improving Rhythmic Skills ï Rhythmic Creativity: Improvisation within a Metric Framework ï Aleatoric Music ï Movement: Actions and Rhythm ï Chorporal Expression ï Folk Dances ï ìUf Dem Angerî ï International Code for Movement Notation ï Appendix: Instrumental Ranges ï Order of Instruments on Score, Abbreviations and Symbols ï Biography of Professor Wuytack ans Lists of Publications


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