Whacked on Rhythm (Book/CD)


SKU: 09970718 Category:


By Scott Steelman and Tom Anderson.

Kids will love this ‘whacky’ approach to learning the basics of rhythm! Experience steady beat, note and rest values, tempo, syncopation and more. Rhythm elements are presented sequentially in a variety of learning exercises that precede the songs. Students practice these exercises on BoomwhackersÆ and other classroom instruments, and then play-along with instructional tracks on the CD before applying the rhythm elements to the songs. Perfect for classroom or lighter programs, this collection of 8 original songs for voices and instruments comes complete with piano arrangements, reproducible singer and instrument parts, and a performance/accompaniment CD. All of the songs use the C Major Diatonic Scale set of BoomwhackersÆ.

Suggested for Grades 2-5.


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