Two Little Blackbirds – Songs, Dances, Fingerplays and Music Activities for the Very Young


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Two Little Blackbirds

Songs, Dances, Fingerplays and Music Actinnes jor me Vey Young, Their Teachers, Families ana Communities By Eric Maring “Mr. M” and edited by Andy Davis and Peter Amidon. Book. MP3 Download and Video Stream. 114 pages, Wire-O Binding, retail price includes MP3 downloads and video streaming access.

An inspired collection of activities and a compelling framework for bringing music into the lives of young children and their families and classrooms.

This is New England Dancing Masters’ newest publication. It is a companion volume to “I’m Growing Up” by Mary Alice Amidon and Andy Davis. These two books comprise our Music for Young Children Series. Both collections contain a wealth of material that can be used in online lessons and online family music events. This material however – deeply rooted in timeless folk traditions – comes alive best when presented “in person.”


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