Raccoon Philosopher


SKU: 49012188 Category:


by Danai Gagne-Apostolidou and Judith Thomas-Solomon.

Section One provides a series of rhythmic and musical preperations in mixed and irregular meters (with emphasis on 7/8), based on excerpts from The Raccoon Philosopher. Ideas are explored for studying specific meters to be moved, played and sung within the mini-musical. Extensions are suggested for other curricular uses under “interdisciplinary connection.”

Section Two is the complete mini-musical which embraces mixed and irregular meter concepts, along with playing, singing, moving and creating. This section also includes staging and costuming suggestions, speech play, songs, movement/choreography ideas and Orff orchestration.

In both sections, true to the Orff-Schulwerk philosophy, it is the authors’ intent that the process be engaging and open-ended, and that it be treated as importantly as the materials that are provided. Students and teachers are invited not only to enjoy the mini-musical suggestions, but also to revel in the preparatory work where their ideas may ultimately enhance and enliven the final performance.

A Supplement to Music for Children.


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