DVD 7: Dances of the 7 Continents Vol. 2 (Blue & White)


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Dance along with Sanna Longden as she reviews 14 dances from around the world for all levels of learners, in live teaching situations. DVD includes the following dances:


Diu Xie, adaptable for 3rd-adults, Tibetan circle dance using scarves

Lo Ahavti Dai, upper elementary-adults, Israeli dance in two facing circles


Pata Pata, upper elementary-adults, line dance from black South Africa

Tant’ Hessie, upper elementary-adults, partner mixer from white South Africa


Mexican Clapping Game, 2nd-8th, hand jive game for fours from Monterrey

Yakima Round Dance, 3rd-adults, Native American greeting dance of the Yakima people

Goin’ Down to Cairo, adaptable for 3rd-adults, playparty partner game from Illinois


Hoe Ana, all ages, canoe dance from Tahiti sitting or standing


Waves of Tory, adaptable for 2nd-adults, Irish ceilidh dance in a longways formation

Dva Pati Nadjasno, pre K-3rd, young children’s circle dance from Bulgaria

Tsamikos, 5th-adults, dance of Greece in an open circle

OxDansen, 4th-adults, young men’s fighting dance from Sweden

La Boulangere, 4th-adults, square dance from the region around Paris, France


Penguin Dance, K-5th, traditional longways dance of the penguin peoples

Grade levels are only suggestions. You know your students best.

A syllabus of dance descriptions is included.

Music for these dances can be found on Sanna’s CD #4.


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