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Dojo Warm-Ups & Workouts – Kit with CD


SKU: DW-216 Category:


by John Riggio and Paul Jennings

If you use our acclaimed Recorder Karate recorder method or any of the other popular methods, progress can seem a bit slow moving from one tune to the next. So it’s great to have exercises and other teaching tools to improve the performance of the tune you are working on and to reinforce the concepts you are trying to teach with each song. That’s why, drawing on their many years as writers and educators, John and Paul have created a collection of short, interesting warm-ups and technique builders that will make the journey through the notes and other musical challenges found in most methods an enjoyable one.

This unique set of 14 progressive warm-ups and workouts is designed to help you warm up for tunes in Recorder Karate and tunes from many other methods. Many work on the concepts each tune presents, while some exercises also work on basic problems of technique and musicianship your class will encounter as you move through the year. Each selection is fairly short, and comes with an exciting, contemporary recorded accompaniment that will make your students want to play them over and over while they learn.

Replace or augment songs in your method! As a matter of fact, these tunes are short and progressively presented in the book, which makes them good candidates for replacement songs or songs to use for supplemental belts in Recorder Karate or other methods.

These clever tunes help you reinforce the concepts you are teaching, adding spice and motivation to your first lessons for players who are learning to play a wind instrument. Each warm-up and workout comes with a reproducible part for your students and with special teaching notes on the concepts involved. Here’s what you will find: An exciting new teaching resource for your recorder program!

This powerful product is available in three formats: Handbook/CD, Downloadable PDFs/MP3s, or our Convenience Combo Kit. Order this great resource and be prepared for years of great ideas for your program.


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