TunaUke Equipped Mahogany Ukuleles


By Lanikai

SKU: LUTU-XX Category:


Lanikai’s exclusive new TunaUke technology allows any uke player to intonate their ukulele through individual movable wedge saddles and a compensated nut specifically designed for each model size. This easy to use technology requires no tools and improves intonation all across the fretboard by over 90%!

Two Features Driving Intonation Innovation

The first is the Compensated Nut! Between the four strings the differences in string width and tension are substantial. By compensating the distance between the first fret and the nut we are able to make open chords sound as smooth as silk.

The second feature is the Movable Saddle: Traditional straight saddles on a ukulele or any other fretted instrument are detrimental to good intonation. With nylon strings even “compensated saddles” are a complete fallacy. The issue is that nylon strings are by their nature, inconstant. After much testing we found the only way to improve on this is to create movable saddle technology to allow the player to adjust the amount of compensation for each string. No tools are required and adjusting the intonation is as easy as pouring milk on cereal.

There are many issues that cause poor intonation and TunaUke Technology solves them all. With this technology we have achieved over a 90% improvement! For the first time ever in the history of the instrument you can overcome all the obstacles and have a ukulele that plays open chords in tune all the way up the neck.

Additional information


Concert, Soprano (no binding), Baritone, Tenor, Soprano


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