Teacher Resource Book
by Manju Durairaj
Active Music Making With Tablets, Projectors, Computers, And Interactive Whiteboards
Whether you have access to a projector and a computer, or a tablet or a cart of tablets, or whether you have an IWB and multiple tablets, you can create sophisticated activities that not only make the most of existing equipment, but engage every type of student through movement, singing, instrument playing, creating, and notating. Active music educator, in-demand clinician, and SMARTô Certified Trainer, Manju Durairaj provides a wealth of ideas and “how to” activities. Create effective visual charts to explore vocal pathways and movement, and to facilitate note reading, and recorder improvisation. Create worksheets, use digital flashcards, render melodic and rhythmic dictation, and use tablets to assess, record, and save student work into an individualized digital portfolio. Explore how to use tablets alone or IWBs and tablets in conjunction with each other, while students play instruments, sing, and move to their compositions. (Grades K-5)
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