Rounds New & Found (Book/CD)


SKU: RN-116 Category:


by Teresa and Paul Jennings.

There’s nothing like a round to create excitement with young singers, and they are the perfect way to start part-singing. Rounds are great for building confidence and kids love the way they sound. (Don’t we all?!) Over the years, we have published some unique arrangements of some of the best-known rounds, and Teresa has written fun new originals as well. This valuable new collection features some of the most popular ones. It includes:

Music Alone Shall Live – Vocally, our setting of this round is quite simple. The tune is presented once in unison, then it becomes a 3-part round, repeated four times. The beautiful instrumental arrangement behind the song also makes it good concert material.

Bees Are Buzzing – What’s more spring-like than buzzing bees? This cute song is a simple way to not only sing about bees, but also to help young students learn to sing in parts because it’s a round, too. It’s also a round for kazooing! Of course, the kazoos are optional.

Dream Catcher – This is an original round composed using a mode similar to those used by Native American tribes of the Great Plains. It provides a great opportunity to have your students research dream catchers and learn more about the tribes that originated them.

‘Round About Autumn – Very simple with a lilting waltz-like feel, this round is easy to relate to and sing along with. It’s also seasonal, which is perfect for beginning the school year. The simplicity of the song makes it an ideal candidate for adaptation and arrangement.

Kookaburra – With lots of performance and accompaniment options including various percussion instruments, this round will intrigue your students. They’ll also enjoy learning about the origins of the didjeridu, the kookaburra, and other facts about Australia.

Make New Friends – Here is a fresh, usable setting of a great old standard with a new arrangement of another favorite round. It is a simple one, but in its simplicity it opens up many possibilities for use in the classroom.

A Ram Sam Sam – Lighthearted and fun to sing, this Moroccan round will work just fine with piano and classroom percussion, but the tracks are very special. Introduce African percussion using this song.

I Love The Mountains – This is one of the most requested rounds. The arrangement is pretty straightforward, set in the style of the ’50s, with bari sax, a rock rhythm section, and a nice cheezy organ sound. What fun!


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