Percussive Play

(4 customer reviews)


by Roger Sams and Michal Vasquez


Percussive Play is the first supplement to the Purposeful Pathways core materials, and thus, utilizes the Purposeful Pathways Model, integrating Orff-Schulwerk, Kodály, and eurhythmics. It contains ten active music making lessons for the elementary music classroom. Electronic Visuals are available for this book in three formats: Microsoft® PowerPoint®, SMART Notebook™, and Promethean ActivInspire. The printable manipulatives are available as PDF files. The electronic visuals and printable manipulatives are available to you for free with the purchase of this book.

Our intention with all Purposeful Pathways materials is to provide multiple possibilities, or pathways, for anyone teaching elementary music to adapt to their personal school setting. We believe that music is most effective when it is purposeful, balancing conceptual learning with performance skills to develop thoughtful musicians capable of managing artistic choice with skill and ease.

Spiral Bound
40 Pages


  • Play the Woodblock
  • Shakers and Woods
  • Cock a Doodle Do
  • Go to Bed, Tom!
  • From Wibbleton to Wobbleton
  • John Wesley
  • A Swarm of Bees
  • We’re the Heartbeat
  • How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck?
  • Praise for Percussive Play:


Roger Sams and Michael Vasquez are two artist/educators who have something to offer us about sequential and creative approaches to the elements of music.  I have observed their masterful teaching for years and am pleased that they have collaborated on this book. Those of us familiar with the Purposeful Pathways series will recognize the formatting that guides the music educator through options and opportunities for transfer. The teacher talk also provides helpful guides for instruction and preparation to the lessons. While the lessons themselves are useful and contain many nuggets of information, I find that they are all very transferrable to other poems and rhythmic chants that teachers may already be using.

R. J. David Frego, Ph.D.

Director, School of Music, Pennsylvania State University

Founding President, American Eurhythmics Society


Percussive Play appeals to both the experienced music educator as well as the new teacher looking for ideas and guidance for sequencing and building a lesson plan. Using both traditional and composed material, lessons are developed that allow both the teacher and the student freedom to be creative. Students will develop a comprehensive whole body experience of the music through use of song, speech, movement, and percussive play. Guided discovery and open-ended questioning allow for active learning and adaptations needed to fit in any school setting.

Most importantly, students and teachers will delight in the endless opportunities to explore music in a purposeful approach.

Dr. Kate P. Webster

K-5 Music and Movement Specialist, Stillwater Area Public Schools

American Orff-Schuwerk Association Movement Teacher Trainer


I don’t like this book . . . I LOVE IT! I really do!

I appreciate the tone of voice and choice of language used through the Purposeful Pathways books. I also really, really, really love the short, concise directives. There’s no fluff here. Everything between these covers makes sense and has a purpose.

Jennifer Shaw

Elementary Music Specialist

Lake Ridge Academy


4 reviews for Percussive Play

  1. Shelly Johnson

    This is an amazing resource! The kids love the songs and activities included in it. So easy to teach and well thought out.

  2. Alli

    Roger does it again! I got to see Michael Vasquez at a conference and loved Go To Bed, Tom. It’s one of my 3rd graders favorites, our Instructional Aids couldn’t get it out of their heads.

  3. Christina R

    I purchased Percussive Play this past school year and haven’t used it a ton, but we really loved How Much Wood this year. The lessons are easy to follow and a great way to have students engaged in active music making in no time!

  4. Katie Hernandez

    Another amazing addition to my bookshelf! This book is a great way to get kids playing instruments in an organized and fun way.

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