The material in this book was originally published in Applications and Adaptations of Orff Schulwerk in Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand, a dissertation completed for the Ph.D. degree from UCLA in June, 1988. Part I of this book is Chapter Two of the dissertation with minor changes. Part II combines Chapter Three of the dissertation with a revision of Chapter Seven; the latter adapted to address cross-cultural transfer of the Schulwerk in a more general context than limited to the three original areas.Contents:
Part I:
Chapter 1: A Brief History of Orff Schulwerk at Site of Origin, through the Establishment of the Orff Institute
Chapter 2: Description of Orff Schulwerk
“Elemental” Music
The Sources
Musical Content and the Published Materials
The Learning Media
The Learning Process
Importance of Creativitiy
The Issue of Literacy
Role of the Teacher
Purpose of Orff Schulwerk
Part II
Chapter 3: Global Dispersal of Orff Schulwerk
Chapter 4: Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Schulwerk Model: Problems and Guidelines
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