Of Thee I Sing! A Celebration of America’s Music (Book/CD)


SKU: 27438 Category:


by Sally K. Albrecht and Jay Althouse.

American music reflects the history of America’s people, America’s trials, and America’s growth. Take an exciting and reflective 30-minute musical journey with Of Thee I Sing!—A Celebration of America’s Music. From Native American Indian chants to traditional folk songs, from inspirational spirituals to hot New Orleans ragtime, from jazzy swing to kickin’ Broadway 2-beat, from Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry to the Detroit Motown Sound, you too can discover and enjoy the sound of America.

* Recommended for grades 3 and up.

* Can be used as a program or as a songbook.

* Performance time: approximately 30 minutes.

* Reproducible Student Pages and Staging Suggestions included


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