Nursery Rhyme Time (CD)


SKU: KIM9158CD Category:


Rhymes and rhythms boost learning phonological awareness. Each rhyme is sung, and then followed by a finger play or simple activity set to the music, and then sung once through again to reinforce the language. Guide with lyrics/activities. Award Winner!

AGES: 1 to 6

Song List:

1. Peter Piper

2. Old King Cole

3. Dance, Thumbkin, Dance

4. Alphabet Song

5. 30 Days Has September

6. Humpty Dumpty

7. Mulberry Bush

8. Hey Diddle Diddle

9. Little Bird

10. Ring Around the Rosie

11. Baa, Baa Black Sheep

12. Eensy, Weensy Spider

13. Pat-a-Cake

14. 3 Good Wishes

15. This Little Piggy

16. 3 Little Kittens

17. Robin Redbreast

18. Jack & Jill

19. Pussy Cat & the Queen

20. Hickory Dickory Dock

21. Bow-Wow, Says the Dog

22. March Winds/Rain on Green Grass

23. Mary Had a Little Lamb

24. I Love Little Kitty

25. Little Bo Peep

26. Mother Goose medley

27. Twinkle, Twinkle

28. Rock-a-Bye Baby


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