Music Educatioin: Historical Contexts and Perspectives


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Music Education: Historical Contexts and Perspectives. by Joseph A. Labuta and Deborah A. Smith. ISBN10: 0134894448. ISBN13: 9780134894447. Format: Hardcover. Pub. Date: 1/1/1997. Publisher(s): Prentice Hall. Music Education: Historical Contexts and Perspectives provides a comprehensive exploration of public school music in the United States. It reviews the history of music education in America from the 1600s through the present, offers a working philosophy of music education, examines the role that this philosophy plays in developing and implementing music curricula, and presents a thorough discussion of music teaching and learning. Chapter instructions suggest relationships between the topics presented in the text, and study and review questions at the end of each chapter promote investigation, synthesis and critical thinking. The final chapter encourages readers to use information presented in the text as the basis for speculation about the future of music education in the United States.


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