by Kerri Lynn Nichols
Designed to accompany Music and Movement for Munchkins book.
Disc One (Vocal, 28 tracks) includes simple songs, chants and rhymes in developmentally appropriate musical settings for Munchkins ages 2-5. Songs for beat and rhythmic competency, honing listening and language skills, pitch-matching and melodic development and social opportunities are included in this truly original and creative collection.
Disc Two (Instrumental, 29 tracks) includes some instrumental tracks from Disc One for singing, improvisation or creative movement as well as several additional dances such as "Fast & Slow" to explore opposites. Multi-page booklet includes lyrics to the songs and thumbprint characters. Written, arranged and performed by Kerri Lynn Nichols.
1. Button, You Must Wander
2. Can You Sing Your Name?
3. Cape Dorset Lullabye
4. Deedle, Deedle Dumpling
5. The Elephant Rhyme
6. Engine No. 9
7. Georgie Porgie
8. Good Night, Sleep Tight
9. Head & Shoulders
10. Hickory Dickory Dock
11. Hot Cross Buns
12. How Do You Do?
13. How Do You Do Today?
14. Humpty Dumpty
15. Jack B Nimble
16. Mary Mack
17. Mary Quite Contrary
18. Monkey See, Monkey Do
19. Pease Porridge Hot
20. The Sea Song
21. Shaker My Hands
22. Shoo Fly
23. Strawberry Shortcake
24. There’s Music In a Hammer
25. This Little Piggy
26. Tue Tue
27. Wee Willie Winkie
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