Do It! Play Alto Recorder (Book only)


SKU: G-M602 Category:


by James Froseth.

The acclaimed Do It! Play Recorder series expands with this remarkably comprehensive and creative book for the beginning alto recorder student. As with the other books in this series, the topflight CD provides wonderful alto recorder models and engaging accompaniments. Also available separately is a delightful soprano recorder supplement for the experienced player, perfect for those who wish to integrate the soprano recorder into the beginning alto recorder class.

Order of notes presented* E’,D’,C’,F’,G’,B’,F#,A’,A’,G’,Bb’,Bb’,C#,C’,Eb’,G#’,B’,D1.

*C is middle C on the tremble clef staff.


The Recorder Embouchure

Instrument Position and Hand Position

Breathing and Breath Control

Imaginary Breath Control Experiment


Starting and Stopping the Tone

Music Signs and Symbols Dictionary

New Tones and Songs

Music Terms Dictionary


A-H: A Paris, A-Working’ on the Railroad, Amazing Grace, America the Beautiful, Au Claire de la Lune, Aura Lee, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Bile ’em Cabbage Down, Bingo, The Birch Tree, The Blues in G, Bouffons, Bubble Gum Duet, By the Fireside, Bye Baby Bunting, Champaigne Branle, Chorale Theme from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Cobbler Cobbler, Cowboy Ballad, Down By the Station, Eighth Notes Duet, Fais do do, Hatikvah, Hot Cross Buns, Hush My Baby

I-Q: Intry Mintry, Jacob Drink, Jingle Bells, Jolly Old Saint Nickolas, Juba, Let’s Go Blue!, Lightly Row, London Bridge Is Falling Down, Matarile- Theme and Variations, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Merry Branle, Mexican Hat Dance, Nonsense Song, Norwegian Dance, Notes, Oats Peas Beans, Oh When the Saints Go Marching In, On the Bridge of Avignon (Sur le Pont d’Avignon), Patsy Ory-Ory-Aye, Plaisir d’amour, Polka, Practice Every Day

R-Z: Rain Rain, Rocket Cruiser, Scarborough Fair, Schlaf Kinglein Schlaf (Sleep Baby Sleep), Shave and a Haircut, Shepherds’ Hey, The Shining Young Moon, Shoheen Sho, Silent Silent, Some Folks Do, Song of the Donkey, Starlight, Stepping and Skipping, Taking Turns Duet, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Up on the Housetop, Vesper Hymn, Waltz Theme and Variations, Yangtze Boatmen Chanty, Yankee Doodle

Rounds and Canons:

Are You Sleeping? (Frere Jacques)


Day Is Done

Dance A-Round (Once, Twice and Thrice)

Die Abendglocke ( Oh How Lovely the Evening)

Early Round

French Cathedrals

The Hart He Love the High Wood

Jump A’Round One

Jump A’Round Two

Lady My

Little Bells of Westminster

Little Tom Tinker

Rooster Round

Round Dance

Round Evening

Round Evening Two

S’evivon Round (Spin My Top)

Santy Maloney

Tallis Canon

Time and Tide

Two Birds
We Are Met

Additional information

Weight 0.0000 lbs

Book Only, Supplement (for the experienced soprano recorder player), Combined Edition (All of the above), Book & CD


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