Animal Cracker Suite and Other Poems


SKU: 49012186 Category:


by Deborah A. Imiolo-Schriver.

Animal Cracker Suite is a set of four original poems arranged for speech chorus, body percussion, and percussion ensemble. Twenty-one additional original poems are included for teachers and students to make their own musical settings.

Introduction ï Part I: Animal Cracker Suite ï Instrumentation and Abbreviations ï The Poems ï Suggestions for Performance ï 1. The Bullfrog ï 2. Starfish ï 3. Laughing Hyena ï 4. A Woodpecker ï Part II: Poems Set Rhythmically ï Merry-Go-Round ï Jacob ï The Spider Plant ï The Magic Carpet ï Let’s Pass Our Shoes ï Toronto Song ï Dinosaur ï Milkman ï Part III: Other Poems for Musical Setting ï Timothy Turtle ï Graduating ï Baby Bug ï The Clockman ï Fantasy Island ï Mammals ï Under the Mistletoe ï Halloween ï Slippery Seapuppy ï There’s a Ghost ï The Happy Little Family ï Fifty Nifty Sailors ï The Death and Birth of Autumn ï Two Musicians ï I’m Sick of Being Sick ï The North


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